Academics Professional

Greatest thrill

I recently received an email from a former student. Part of the email read

Do you remember the website (linked) I made for my foster parents for our class last fall? I have some good news to share — they found their first customer, who found the website on their own! Isn’t it crazy that the website is doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing!! I cannot believe that my product is actually turning out to be useful. 

To me, this is one of the biggest complements that can be paid as an instructor. To know that a project used for class is implemented, out in the wild and being used brings a definite level of satisfaction.

Receiving this email made my day.

Academics Interests

Small Things Follow Up

This is a follow up to

I was looking through my YouTube channel and I found the following TEDx Talk I have bookmarked. The talk is by Christian Boer, the creator of Dyslexie font. I found it interesting and well worth the less than seven minutes it takes to watch.

Academics Interests

Small Things

When Steve Krug talks about usability in Don’t Make Me Think he states

there’s another important component to usability: doing the right thing – being considerate of the user.

Don’t Make Me Think, Revisited p. 166