
Bullying – a condition made worse by the use of technology

This link was in my stream this morning ( and it prompted the following thoughts.

We had a discussion in class about the use of technology as an extension of self.  Examples of eyeglasses (a technology) becomes and extension of one’s self, helping the person to see (good thing) but then also opening them up to criticizing/bullying (bad thing).  One of my classmates is working on a paper that is focusing on bullying and how technology (internet) acts as an extension of the bullied/bully (this is my paraphrasing).

Academics Interests

The March

This made me pause.

‘The March’ – Sci-Fi London 48 Hour Film Challenge 2014 from Josh Fortune on Vimeo.

Academics Interests

Gentle prodding

I’ve had this URL ( open in one of my tabs for probably two weeks now.