
Honesty? Honestly?

There’s an interesting show on fox called Lie to me (  The idea behind the show is that anytime someone lies there are tell tell signs.  Those signs may not be noticeable to the normal person, but to the trained eye, they are there.  Interesting concept, and I’m sure to a certain degree true.

What intrigues me is there is a character on the show that “doesn’t lie”.  Not only does he not lie, but he says whatever is on his mind regardless of potential embarrassment.  Which got me thinking….

Interests Professional


*warning, some language and ideas posed here may be offensive to some.  You’ve been warned.

So, I took a diversity survey for work. I’m going to preface this whole thing with a simple statement. Diversity is good, without diversity everyone would be like me. I know, I know, you’re thinking that would be fantastic, a Utopian world! But please keep in mind, it would also be a very boring world. After all, who would I make fun of?

The questions for this “diversity” survey seemed like they were pulled from a very generic set of questions. So I will present some of them here to you. The options for just about every question were something along the lines of:

  • To a great extent
  • To some extent
  • To a small extent
  • Not at all
  • Do not know

For the sake of brevity, I will not include the options after each question (unless the options vary greatly from the default listed above), just my own thoughts, which I know is what you all really want anyhow.

Interests Professional

He has a PhD in Technology

But can’t figure out how to plug in a computer.  Ok, so maybe it wasn’t that bad, but it was damn close.

We get a call from a branch location telling us their card reader isn’t working.  This is after I was there the day before and told them it wasn’t working.  Brilliant!  Anyhow, their card reader isn’t working and their “Tech guy”, how has a PhD in Technology (they were very specific in pointing this out my boss) said that the card reader wasn’t compatible with their computer.