
I am a child of appalachia.

There I’ve said it, I AM a child of Appalachia.

There will be a post shortly about diversity, which I had actually planned to post before this, but I was sidetracked with actual work!  Dear Lord help us all when work interferes with our abilities to blog away.


deep thought…

I love Calvin and Hobbes.  I was upset (knowing that I would no longer have new adventures to follow) when Bill Watterson announced he would no longer be producing Calvin and Hobbes in 1995.  Having said that, this is posted only with the utmost respect to Bill Watterson and Calvin and Hobbes, if this should create any copyright infringement, I will gladly remove this out of respect.

I can imagine doing this to a kid, only thing is, I’m not sure I can imagine a very many kids that would actually think about it.

taken from


IPhone – day three

So, I tried out this cool little app called MotionX GPS tracker by the “The MotionX Team“.  This app lets you “track” where you’ve been, how long it took you to get there, average speed, maximum and minimum elevation, etc.  All the things you’d like to know if you wanted to take someone hiking through the woods on the same path, biking trails, or in my case, the path you took on the motorcycle (this would be great for laying out poker runs).  And, if that weren’t enough (this is the free version mind you) you can take pictures and have them attached to points along the trail.  How cool is that?

Oh, and in case you are wondering… the full version is 299 (that’s in pennies folks!) – great product from the first look and I’m thinking well worth that high price tag to get the full version.