I have a feeling I’ll be coming back to this post every so often to update it but wanted to get the list down now while I was thinking about it.
Unlike my brother, I don’t have a picture of every vehicle I’ve owned and detailed records of every aspect of every vehicle. Don’t get me wrong, I wish I did, really I do, I just didn’t get that particular gene.
To all my Irish brothers and sisters, be it for one day or for a lifetime, I thought I’d share some traditional Irish blessings (or parts as the case may be). I’ve never had the DNA tested, but I’ve been told I have Irish ancestry, and that’s what I prefer to believe.
A friend told me about the Dogwood 52 Week Photography Challenge. I decided to take up the challenge as a means of getting more practice with the camera. Unless otherwise noted, all images are presented as taken with the camera, no color correction, no exposure correction and no cropping.
WEEK 3 : Inspiration : Black and white – Your inspiration this week is to simply take an amazing Black and White photograph of any subject you want.
I don’t necessarily think this is an AMAZING Black and White photograph. However, the feeling I get looking out the back door at fresh undisturbed snow while cozy in my home drinking coffee is amazing. For this image, I placed the camera on a tripod and slowed the shutter speed in hopes of catching a blur of snow flakes falling. Unfortunately, white on white doesn’t show up very well.
TREATMENT : Using Lightroom, I added the B/W treatment and I cropped the image to put the table in the center third.