
Dogwood Challenge 2019 Week 2

A friend told me about the Dogwood 52 Week Photography Challenge. I decided to take up the challenge as a means of getting more practice with the camera. Unless otherwise noted, all images are presented as taken with the camera, no color correction, no exposure correction and no cropping.

The challenge can be found here ( for anyone wanting to join me.

WEEK 2 : Composition : Rule of Thirds Motion – You already know what the rule of thirds is, now is the time to use it. Use Rule of Thirds to show motion in your picture.

Camera : Nikon D5500
Lens : AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm 1:1.8G
f-stop : 1.8
shutter speed : 1/100
ISO : 1000

After seeing some of the submittals for this week, I can’t help but feel this falls short. However, this was a display on the top of a friend’s cubicle wall. I like the representation of action with the different figures, and I attempted to put the antagonist in the left third of this picture.

And, you don’t immediately see the full story… If you look slightly to the right, you would see.

And sometimes that’s just how life feels.


Dogwood Challenge 2019 Week 1

A friend told me about the Dogwood 52 Week Photography Challenge. I decided to take up the challenge as a means of getting more practice with the camera. Unless otherwise noted, all images are presented as taken with the camera, no color correction, no exposure correction and no cropping.

The challenge can be found here ( for anyone wanting to join me.

WEEK 1 : Story Telling : Self-Portrait – Take a picture that tells us who you are, without actually showing your face.

dogwood week1 : self-portrait
Camera : Nikon D5500
Lens : AF-S DX Nikkor 35mm 1:1.8G
f-stop : 1.8
shutter speed : 1/160
ISO : 1000

I started off with just the right screen, arranging windows to give a glimpse into my day to day life. I slid to the side and noticed the reflection of the light and reflector and thought that added a layer to the story.

Interests Personal

Playing with Gutenberg

Embedding tweets, extraordinarily simple.

Adding example HTML code, also really simple, great way to demo code without having to write all the annoying < and > html entities.

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>Title of page</title>
   <p>some text in a paragraph</p>

Imagine if you wanted to enter your own HTML code, perhaps to embed something not already covered with Gutenberg’s blocks.  You can do that too.  Very convenient. 

<div style="border:1px solid white; padding:5px;">My own html in a div. The code above generated this block</div>
My own html in a div. The code above generated this block

The one thing I did not see at first was the lack of the “insert Read More tag”, but that is now a block by itself found under layout elements.  Best of all, if you really miss the old editor, you can insert that as well.  It can be found under formatting.