
reflections ala IM

I have an account on most of the major IM clients.  Most of the time it sits there idle, sometimes family will use it to contact me and sometimes friends will banter back and forth.  And, on some occasions there is the appearance of some heavier material.

In this case I made a statement, sent it and after the fact I thought, “yeah, that’s really it.  Isn’t it?”.  It was a revalation that came out of a simple conversation but upon reflection I realized it held more.

The following conversation took place via text messaging.  The friends name has been changed to protect their innocence.  Well, with this friend, not innocence, but a sense of respecting his privacy.

Friend1: it’s funny.. the tech program does seem to provide a much greater sense of accomplishment than my masters program did
Friend1: it just feels like there’s a lot more substance there
ServerGoon: I was thinking of the learning process for me this quarter it was “here’s what you got to do, here’s what you need (materials) to do it. Now go do it. Oh, and if you have to learn something extra along the way, do that too!”
ServerGoon: as opposed to the class (spoon feed), class (spoon feed), class (spoon feed), class (spoon feed), class (spoon feed), class (spoon feed), class (spoon feed), class (spoon feed), TEST class (spoon feed), class (spoon feed), class (spoon feed), class (spoon feed), class (spoon feed), TEST
Friend1: yeah
Friend1: it’s definitely for adults hah
ServerGoon: personally, I was a little irked that he assigned aspects of web site design that involved Flash, podcast, etc.. technologies that some have not had a class in yet, but hey, that’s life. Sometime you don’t always know what you need to know when you start a project.
Friend1: well, it’s also indicative of when you have an instructor rather than a professor, i think

Sometime you don’t always know what you need to know when you start a project.”

I look back at that statement and realize that’s where the learning comes into play for me.  It’s not sitting in a lecture covering what was supposed to be read.  It is being told here’s the end product, here is some material to help you along the way, the rest is up to you.  I feel fortunate that I was able to spend some time and pick up what I needed to know (mostly) to complete the projects and I feel for those poeple that are learning multiple technologies at the same time, that can be very rough.  But as my friend said “it’s definitely for adults hah”.  Speaking of which, I’ve got a project due and I should be working on it instead of writing about this.  But this was one of those moments that I thought I should share.

–EdTechGoon aka ServerGoon

By Mark

I work in IT and ride Motorcycles. I do one to support the other.