I’ve watched with anticipation the release of Gutenburg for WordPress. The concept seemed fresh and made sense from a blogging perspective. The only issue is, I’m a horrible blogger. I don’t sit down and write on a regular basis, and most of the things I have to say or blog about, have already been covered a thousand times over – this being such an example. But, I wanted to experience Gutenburg first hand and see what it’s like. First impressions are good.
Example by default
The first thing I noticed was the build in tutorial and example, you can see the default example here . It gives plenty of examples, what wasn’t clear at first was how to move the blocks around. I found this little gem. It shows up as you move the mouse to the left of the text or block and by clicking and dragging you can rearrange the blocks on the page. Pretty ingenious I say.
Oh, and pressing enter, gives you another paragraph block by default. The nice thing about that, if you wanted to get really creative, is you can easily customize each paragraphs background color.

And with each new paragraph, it goes back to default. To the right of the screen, you will find a contextual sensitive setting blocks (image for reference) allowing you do such things as change the background color and text for paragraph, and details, alt text, and captioning for images. This is pretty slick.
And that’s just three of the multitude of blocks available in the new Gutenburg editor for WordPress. I can see this becoming the start of something new and refreshing. Certainly makes the task of writing more enjoyable.
The one drawback I see so far, and this is really quite minor because the other editor didn’t have this either, is the lack of ability to pick up on the CSS of the theme. This could also be a shortcoming of the theme I am using since I seem to recall something about some code needed to be included in the theme to fully support Gutenburg? Regardless, not a deal breaker at all, and the preview allows for easy viewing to see if things look okay.
Good work developers!